Achievements <Railboard 100>

Credit x 5000, Condensed Aether x 2, <i>Hope Is the Thing With Feathers</i> x 1, "Sway to My Beat in Cosmos" x 1, Achievements <Railboard 100>

Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
*tut* I should never have hesitated in the first place.
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
When I opened the page, it still said "In Stock" — but... I lingered too long on the options when I was getting the deluxe edition, but by the time I went back to the order, it had already been sold out. The fans who managed to get the INSIDE album sure are fast.
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
My man, I know just how you feel. I was just too slow with my verification code, and I couldn't log into the site again no matter how many times I refreshed the page.
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
The order clearly went through and Intellitrons don't even need the facial recognition process, but I was defeated at the last step. I hate it!
What are you folks chatting about?
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Surely you know, right? There's only one thing that could ever cause a big ruckus like this in the dreamscape, and that's Miss Robin finally releasing her new album, INSIDE!
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
All these people here are fans of Miss Robin. Hmph, seeing as I couldn't get my hands on the new album, it must be all these people's fault.
Is the album really hard to buy?
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Hard to buy? Why, you'd probably have a better chance of smuggling yourself into Penacony!
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
All of the stock was sold out in less than half a second. It's just the way it is... Miss Robin has fans everywhere throughout the universe, and they've all been holding out for just this moment.
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Scrimping and saving all that hard-earned cash, only for me to have nowhere to spend it. It's just like this burning passion I have for Miss Robin — there's nowhere for me to release any of it. I can't keep it bottled up inside.
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Aren't there any other ways you can buy it?
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Are you a fan of Miss Robin too? If you want it, you can always find a way. It's just...
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
You'll always find someone who's stockpiled the albums and can sell you one, but I don't recommend buying from them. So many fans want to get their hands on it that of course the price has been driven up. And also...
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
I don't want to see any of those scalpers earn a single cent!
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Psst, hey buddy, I just got these goods. It's Miss Robin's new INSIDE album. Wanna check it out?
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Guaranteed legit, brand-new condition, in original packaging, and at an absolutely fair price. My stocks are limited — first come first served!
So you're the one who's been scalping records!
Haven't you heard that's illegal?
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Hey, why so serious? I'm just earning a few credits here. Besides, you'd never get a copy of the album without my help. Do you want it, or not? Otherwise I can always go ask someone else.
We're not interested.
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
How much? Can you cut us a deal?
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
No biggie! Karma brought us together. It's only right that we scratch each other's back. So then... what do you say — how about five times the sticker price?
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Isn't that a little steep?
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Think about it — this is how you can demonstrate your love for Miss Robin. If you don't want it, there are plenty of other fans who do.
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Should I be off, then?
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
...Hang on. I'll take it!
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Nice. Pop the credits into my account soon and that'll be that. Thanks for the business! You there — still considering?
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
I—I'll... I'll also... take one... okay?
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Thanks for the business! You two truly are the most devoted fans of Miss Robin, and I sincerely take my hat off to you. What do you say then, my gray buddy? If you don't act soon, it'll be sold out.
I'm going to snitch you out to the Bloodhound Family.
...How much? Can you cut us a deal?
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Tsk, how pigheaded. That's fine. I'll just find someone else.
Despite keeping your voice to a whisper, you can't help but feel tormented at doing something that violates public order like this. To free you of this feeling, you'll have to submit a Praise of High Morals.
No problem. I'm keen to buy it.
Then I guess I'll just snitch you out, then.
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Tsk, how pigheaded. That's fine. I'll just find someone else.

Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
...This is enough, please. Get your payments ready, everyone. I'll get the wares for you to inspect.
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
I never thought I'd end up paying an arm and a leg to a scalper for it.
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Fam, keep an open mind. This is all for Miss Robin.
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
There's no shame in paying for your passion.
Mysterious Dreamchaser
Mysterious Dreamchaser
The bold get first dibs on everything. Don't wait until your passion wanes and regret sets in. Have you got all your credits ready, then? Here you go...
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
Ahem, misusing your position as the collaborating warehouse manager of the record company to stockpile albums, manipulate markets, and conduct illegal sales... You've been caught red-handed.
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
And you lot: You all knew it was illegal, but still aided and abetted a criminal. Should I punish you, too?
We, too, are victims here.
...Are you trying to bait us?
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
I'll let you be for now and we'll settle things once the scalping syndicate members have all been locked up. Freeze. Don't run...!
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
That's it, then. There's absolutely no way to score Miss Robin's new album.
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Those darn Bloodhounds would pick a time like this to make a raid... They can just wait until we've grabbed the album and collar us then!
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Tsk, check it out... That scalper dropped his bag on the ground...
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Don't tell me that we're going to find inside...
Your gut feeling is right, and there are three copies of Miss Robin's new album inside the bag.
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
There are... three of us?
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Everything worked out just fine in the end.
Now, it's time to test your mettle. You can sneak off with your album and pretend that nothing happened — or, you can return the missing item back where it belongs.
You decide to...
Options sneak off with it.
Give it back to the Bloodhound Family.
Alright. You sure are a big fan of Miss Robin. Just like before — there's no shame in making a sacrifice for your passion. And so, you take your decisive action...
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
Ahem. We haven't left yet.
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
...You're under arrest! What are you gonna do about it? Caught once more with your hand in the cookie jar — is this the caliber of Miss Robin's fans?
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
Whatever, I can tell that you're truly passionate about her. If you really want it, I suppose I could let you have it — but you'll have to pay the market price. We'll pass on the funds to the Iris Family and consider the bill paid.
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
I'll only ask this once: Would you like to buy it?
Yes, now that's more like it. You've always been a good law-abiding citizen even if you're sometimes misled, and you won't be making any more mistakes. If only... if only you could find those Bloodhound Family members from just before.
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
Hmph, we lost him.
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Vexed Pepeshi Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
Lonely Intellitron Guest
What? No way!
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
Thank you! We'd have utterly shamed the Bloodhound lineage if we went back empty-handed.
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
That's right — you're a fan of Miss Robin, aren't you? Take this album of hers as a little reward. We'll explain everything to the Iris Family. I'm sure they won't be tight-fisted about this.
Looks like your good deed has paid off.

Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
I heard there's a Dreamchaser around here scalping the INSIDE album. Do you know where?
Right this way, captain!
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
Great. I'll call for more back up. You keep stringing that Dreamchaser along, and don't let him sneak off.
Bloodhound Family Member
Bloodhound Family Member
Whosoever dares sully the name of Miss Robin, we shall brook them no quarter!

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