Clockwork: Mr. McCoy

Stellar Jade x 10, Trailblaze EXP x 100, Credit x 20000, Traveler's Guide x 3, Clock Credits x 180, Golden Limited - Aideen Token x 1

Locate Mr. McCoy's "brother."

Tick... tock! Quick, Adjust the hands... Tick, tock!
People's minds await your exploration. Help them regain their true selves!
"Little Brother"
"Little Brother"
McCoy... McCoy...
(This guy... sounds like he's mumbling McCoy's name over and over...)
(Mr. McCoy said he wants me to bring back his brother and sister... but how?)
"Little Brother"
"Little Brother"
McCoy... McCoy...
(Try talking with it...)
Er... Hello?
Would you mind taking a stroll with me?
"Little Brother"
"Little Brother"
(Payback? What's it talking about?)
(Doesn't sound very good... This guy seems kinda angry.)
"Little Brother"
"Little Brother"
Payback... payback...
(Rats. Time to get ready for a fight!)
"Little Brother"
"Little Brother"
Payback... payback!!

Locate Mr. McCoy's "sister."

"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
McCoy... McCoy...
(This "thing"... is probably going to be Mr. McCoy's sister, right?)
(Gotta stay alert... she might just leap up too and attack me out of nowhere.)
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
McCoy... McCoy...
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
Wanna eat... Wanna eat...
(Is she saying... she wants to eat something? Can meme monsters feel hunger, too?)
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
Sour... sweet...
(She doesn't seem to be that aggressive... Why don't we give her a little of what she wants?)
Deliver item
This Memory Zone Meme gently takes the soft candy from your hand and then turns away from you...
The "Big Sister" lets out a few gnashing and gnawing sounds... before falling dead silent.
A few seconds later, you hear another ever-so-faint sound... as though someone were quietly sobbing.
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
Sweet... sour...
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
When I was young... when I was young...
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
Wanna go back... wanna go back...
The "Big Sister" disappears right in front of your eyes, and you feel a warm jet of something streaming into your coat pocket... right where you stashed the photo of Mr. McCoy and his brother.
(There's now another person in the photo...)
(Despite still having no idea of what's going on... that should be it for Mr. McCoy's assignment, right?)
(Let's go back and ask him about what happened.)

Speak with Mr. McCoy again.

(Phew... Never thought things would wrap up like that. I didn't take that guy to be so aggressive...)
As the "Little Brother" disappears, you feel a warm jet of something streaming into your coat pocket... right where you stashed the photo from Mr. McCoy.
(Huh? This is...)
(That's weird. Is that... another person in the photo now?)
(That strange creature just then... Don't tell me it was Mr. McCoy's brother?)
(Mr. McCoy also mentioned his "sister"... Time to check some other places around the pavilion.)

"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
McCoy... McCoy...
(This "thing"... is probably going to be Mr. McCoy's sister, right?)
(Gotta stay alert... she might just leap up too and attack me out of nowhere.)
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
McCoy... McCoy...
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
Wanna eat... Wanna eat...
(Is she saying... she wants to eat something? Can meme monsters feel hunger, too?)
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
Sour... sweet...
(She doesn't seem to be that aggressive... Why don't we give her a little of what she wants?)
Deliver item
This Memory Zone Meme gently takes the soft candy from your hand and then turns away from you...
The "Big Sister" lets out a few gnashing and gnawing sounds... before falling dead silent.
A few seconds later, you hear another ever-so-faint sound... as though someone were quietly sobbing.
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
Sweet... sour...
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
When I was young... when I was young...
"Elder Sister"
"Elder Sister"
Wanna go back... wanna go back...
The "Big Sister" disappears right in front of your eyes, and you feel a warm jet of something streaming into your coat pocket... right where you stashed the photo of Mr. McCoy and his brother.
(There's now another person in the photo...)
(Despite still having no idea of what's going on... that should be it for Mr. McCoy's assignment, right?)
(Let's go back and ask him about what happened.)

Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Go ahead. I hope it's nothing trivial.
Which family do you represent?
Has this pavilion always been so deserted?
Have you always been this serious?
Nothing much.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
The Oaks.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I've answered all your questions. Anything else?
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I should hope so — it was built for the five major family heads to collectively discuss any matter critical to Penacony. The scene in Golden Hour isn't all there is to the Dreamscapes. I'm sure you get what I mean.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Each and every event put on to please our guests is painstakingly prepared and arranged. That's why this "deserted" pavilion is actually the springboard for all the mesmerizing dreams here.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
This isn't The Reverie Hotel, and I'm no front-of-house receptionist.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
My job is to handle affairs when the family head is absent... I'm not required to keep a smile handy for every occasion or emergent situation — least of all for unexpected guests.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Remember, be careful with everything you say and do.

Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Remember, be careful with everything you say and do.

Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
But I choose to shoulder this pain, I will not run away anymore.

Mr. McCoy's eyes grew sullen... You know that he must be thinking about his siblings again.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Was the Dreammaster really that terrifying and intimidating... Or am I just a cold-blooded demon?
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I can't even tell anymore. I just know that when I made my move, I did not hesitate for long.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I received everything I've ever wanted: Money, power, status. The price I paid? Two shadows that bring constant pain and a nightmare that I cannot escape.

Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
This is just a polite warning, it is not a threat...

Mr. McCoy tilted his head back slightly, as the glare from his glasses obscured his eyes once more.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
As the acting executor of Dewlight Pavilion, I am obliged to inform you that any attempts to plagiarize or destroy Family assets may result in grave consequences.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I hope that you can remain rational and refrain from any improper actions...
Mr. McCoy was not specific with his phrasing... He clearly knows the shameful things that you have done in the Dreamscape...

Mr. McCoy has fallen deep into a sweet memory. He seems unable to pull himself back from it.

As he reminisces, a faint smile grows at the corner of his mouth... For an icy man like Mr. McCoy, even this slight change of expression seems incomprehensible.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Ah... I just recalled a wonderful time.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
We three siblings were lying on a mound of grass that had been dyed a light yellow by the warm sun... My sister was singing a nursery rhyme from our childhood, as John was off playing with a branch he picked up somewhere...
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I reached my hand out toward the sky and a small, green bird landed on my fingertip. That warm sunshine was like golden resin, preserving us at that moment and fixing the smiles on our faces...
Mr. McCoy has fallen deep into a sweet memory. He seems unable to pull himself back from it.

Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Unfortunately... my brother and sister did not understand this.

Mr. McCoy's brows grew furrowed, you have successfully brought his sadness to the surface.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Though I stand above the many, there are still five that stand above me...
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I have used every method at my disposal to climb up The Family's scales, even using my own siblings as footholds on my path to ascension.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Just how much further away am I from those final five... Just what kind of price do I have to pay to join the ranks of The Family heads?
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I can no longer stand their arrogant and domineering attitudes. One day, I will...
Mr. McCoy managed to suppress his rage, but his ambition is now wholly clear to you.

Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Thank you for your help, {F#young lady}{M#young man}... However, I must remind you that Dewlight Pavilion is a Family stronghold, it is not wise for outsiders like yourself to remain for too long.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
I still remember the last Dreamchaser to try and infiltrate the pavilion. He ended up... No, you would not want to know.
Mr. McCoy
Mr. McCoy
Please take care of your affairs and leave as quickly as possible.

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