Achievements <Boo Ha Ha!>

Achievements <Boo Ha Ha!>

📍 The Xianzhou Luofu Fyxestroll Garden

Little Ghost
Little Ghost
Hohoho! You found me... Are you exhausted?
Little Ghost
Little Ghost
...Actually, I'm exhausted.
Little Ghost
Little Ghost
By the way, do you remember? We've met 3 times now.
Little Ghost
Little Ghost
I had over 900 puzzles prepared for you, but I'm getting tired...
Little Ghost
Little Ghost
So I've decided to give you everything all at once.
I'd like that. Gimme everything.
Do you even have the capacity to do 900 puzzles?
Little Ghost
Little Ghost
Don't worry. I've got everything ready.
Little Ghost
Little Ghost
I may not have the capability, but I've got the aspiration.
Little Ghost
Little Ghost
You enjoy that gift, okay. Bye!
+ Pleasant-Looking Trash x 1

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