Achievements <The Willing Does Not Bite>

Credit x 5000, Achievements <The Willing Does Not Bite>

๐Ÿ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Artisanship Commission

Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Impostors are all cowards...
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Who are you? Could you be... ahem, listen, "One day of work, five days off, comes with good benefits"?
What does that mean? I don't understand...
It's dangerous here. Get down from there!
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Don't play dumb. If it's really you, just say it. Don't beat around the bush.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
What? I'm not here to off myself. I was just tired, so I sat down to rest.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
That's not right. The hexagram said Pure_Passerby will definitely be around here during this time.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Be honest, are you Pure_Passerby?
I really am just passing by.
I don't know if I am...
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Tsk, what a waste of my time. I thought you were that person who was harassing me a few days ago with a weird username called Pure_Passerby.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
But it turns out you're really just a passerby. What a let-down! I waited for so long...
What really happened?
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
You look like an outworlder. Fine, it shouldn't hurt if I told you.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
A few days ago, I was browsing randomly on my jade abacus, and there was a young man who just turned adult. He was asking if he should apply for the Divination Commission or the Artisanship Commission.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
I've been there before, so I gave him a brief breakdown of the pros of the Artisanship Commission. You see, the craftsmen earn their living with their craftsmanship. Wouldn't it be great to have a skill you could always rely on?
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Everyone on the Xianzhou knows that the Artisanship Commission oversees many projects, and as long as you work hard, you can earn a lot. If you're lucky enough to invent some kind of mechanical device and sell the patent...
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
So, although you cannot collect fees after the patent protection period expires, if you're smart about it, you can still comfortably live off the patent fees for decades.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Besides, everyone in the Artisanship Commission is a craftsman. Over there, skills speak for themselves. There's no office politics, so young people won't be at a disadvantage if they join.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
I responded with a well-meaning piece of advice for that kid to apply for the Artisanship Commission. Then, this Pure_Passerby guy chewed me out just for that.
What was he chewing you out about?
What a horrible person.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Eh, he lambasted me on almost every point I made.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Exactly! Humanity is on a sharp decline nowadays!
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
He refuted the advantages of the Artisanship Commission I raised one by one, and gave me a fierce tongue-lashing, saying that the most popular workplace on the Xianzhou now is the Divination Commission.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
Meh, I'm from the Divination Commission myself, why didn't I know about this? The nonsense he spouts is going to lead the kid down a wrong path!
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
I'm not a coward either. We argued for a few days, but it didn't seem to lead anywhere, so I suggested we meet in person and have a face-to-face discussion.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
"Come to the largest freight starskiff on the Artisanship Commission, let's talk face-to-face." I posted this publicly, so he and everyone should have seen it. He even said he'll be here!
But why this place?
So why haven't we seen him?
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
He said he's from the Artisanship Commission, so of course I didn't believe him. In this economy, why would anyone reveal their true background?
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
So I chose to have it at the largest freight starskiff they have. With so many craftsmen coming in and out, if he dares to show his face, I'll expose all of his fake wisdom and post it online. By then, heheh....
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
How would I know? I told him very clearly to meet at "the largest freight starskiff in the Artisanship Commission." Isn't that here? Maybe this impostor is too scared to come!
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
This impostor has so little integrity, he didn't even show up. I came all the way here early in the morning by starskiff... Hmph, there have been so many visitors to the Artisanship Commission in the past few days, the dock has implemented an odd-even number restriction system.
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
It's a good thing I came early. The odd-numbered lane is the busiest docking point in the Artisanship Commission. If I came any later, there wouldn't be any space left...
Kind Diviner
Kind Diviner
By the way, if you happen to come across someone who looks like this guy, please let me know! If it's really him, I'll prepare a small gift to thank you!

Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
He's still not here? Weird...
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Who might you be? You were looking at me for quite a while over there, perhaps...
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
...are you ComfortablySlacking?
I'm just passing by.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Oh, then I probably got the wrong person.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Haha, what a coincidence. In some ways, I'm also a "passerby."
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
That's good then. I thought you were the person who threatened to beat me up.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Also, you are clearly an Outworlder. How could it be you... I guess it's my fault for assuming earlier.
Who wanted to beat you up?
Who did you think I was?
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Someone called ComfortablySlacking. Just listen to that handle, it must not be someone serious.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Just a while ago, this person was hamming up about how good life at the Artisanship Commission is, and was trying to strong-arm a naive young 'un to apply with us.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
So I responded with thirty replies to expose his lies. He was so riled up, he openly threatened to meet me face-to-face to have a fight.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
I thought to myself, who's afraid of whom? I've been in the Artisanship Commission for over a hundred years, and I didn't get to where I am by being a pushover. If he dares to come, I'll be sure to give him a lesson he won't forget!
So what did you say?
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Oh, nothing. He was boasting about how working for the Artisanship Commission is good, so I just told him some facts as a retort.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
He said the Artisanship Commission oversees a lot of projects and earns a lot of money. That part is accurate, but those who are in charge of projects are always stationed away from home. What's the point of earning so much?
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
And that point about overnight wealth from inventing ingenia... those are all old-fashioned stories. Over the years, those ideas from self-proclaimed geniuses have been done over and over again by past generations.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
In my opinion, young people should go to the Divination Commission for an easy life. Just stay on the Xianzhou, drink some tea, do some divination, and earn money by scrolling on the jade abacus. It's so comfortable!
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
But this person insists on spreading rumors, something about "Don't overthink, choose the Artisanship Commission." I mean, if you want to deceive yourself with such things, that's on you, but it's not good to harm others.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
But this guy keeps insisting that I am impersonating a craftsman and keeps asking me to meet him on the largest starskiff of the Artisanship Commission. It's ridiculous. I don't know who gave him the confidence!
Then why do you agree to it?
Then have you seen him?
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Why wouldn't I? I'm on my home turf. Why should I be afraid? Besides, I'm not a reckless person.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
I've already reported the incident to the Cloud Knights. I told them someone was threatening to "teach me a lesson." Hmph, as soon as he tries anything, I'd yell, and the ambushed Cloud Knights will arrest him on the spot!
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
No, I guess he's not here yet. But worry not. Him being late is not my concern. I already did my due diligence by informing the Cloud Knights.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
They sent people to protect me. They're just lying low nearby. What a shame this coward doesn't dare to show his face!
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Recently, the cargo flow in our Artisanship Commission has been too high, and they have implemented a system of odd-even number restrictions for starskiffs. I think he's probably still waiting in line for a starskiff.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
After all, he's not like me. As a craftsman of the Artisanship Commission, I can enjoy free and prioritized travel with Artisanship Commission starskiffs. An internal benefit, you see.
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Well, they call it benefit, but in reality it's pretty shabby. Don't be fooled by the constant stream of freight starskiffs coming and going here. Most of them are borrowed from the Sky-Faring Commission. The number of starskiffs that actually belong to our Artisanship Commission can be counted on one hand!
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
So this "internal benefit" can only be used on a select few starskiffs... But starskiffs are always delayed, I often had to wait so long...
Sagacious Craftsman
Sagacious Craftsman
Let's not talk about this anymore. Since you come from other places, if you manage to spot this guy, please let me know, thank you!

Odd Child
Odd Child
Hehe, here comes a show!
Odd Child
Odd Child
Tsk. You're here for a laugh too, aren't you? But you don't look familiar. I think you're an outworlder. I didn't think these fights were known to so many people?
What's the punchline?
Who's fighting? Who are "they"?
Odd Child
Odd Child
The hottest topic on Xianzhou, of course. The one about which of the six major commissions are most suitable for new workforce members.
Odd Child
Odd Child
Some guy who claims to be a diviner was having a feud with some guy who claims to work for the Artisanship Commission, and they even wanted to have a fight-off in front of the Artisanship Commission.
Odd Child
Odd Child
Actually, all this arguing back and forth... in my opinion, none of the six major commissions are any good, and the same applies for the people who work there. Tsk tsk.
You're so young. How can you be so sure?
That's some huge accusation!
Odd Child
Odd Child
Tch, what do you know? I may look young, but I'm so much smarter than these adults who have lived for centuries.
Odd Child
Odd Child
What's that look for? Don't believe me? Let me tell you, just from this fight alone, I made a ton of money!
Odd Child
Odd Child
They might be a diviner and a craftsman, but they are no match for me! They're so easy!
Please elaborate and help me understand.
So what exactly did you do?
Odd Child
Odd Child
Haha, nothing! Just... that whole "I'll be an adult next year, which of the six major commissions should I apply for?" That's me! Bet you didn't expect that, did you?
Odd Child
Odd Child
I saw them going at it, so I borrowed my buddy's jade abacus and started fanning the fire. It was so easy. Before I knew it, it's gone viral. And then these two fools challenged each other to a fight!
Odd Child
Odd Child
I can't... these adults are too hilarious! I saw that they posted the location, so I rented multiple starskiffs specifically to shuttle the spectators who came to watch the fun.
Odd Child
Odd Child
In the end, so many people came for the fun that the Artisanship Commission had to implement odd-even license plate restrictions. Haha! Now my passenger transport hotline is booming! I really have to thank them!
Doing things like this at this tender age...
It's not good to instigate flame wars like this...
Odd Child
Odd Child
Who are you calling tender!? I only look like a child. Are you patronizing me!?
Odd Child
Odd Child
It's all about voluntary participation. I didn't force them to argue. If they're willing participants, how can I be blamed?
Odd Child
Odd Child
People who wanted to watch the show came on their own. Those two fools only knew how to brag and talk big using the jade abacus, but they didn't even manage to meet face to face.
Odd Child
Odd Child
I'm guessing... they must've been separated on two starskiffs by the odd-even plate restriction, so they couldn't meet up.
Odd Child
Odd Child
Hahaha, but to be honest, it doesn't matter if they meet at this point. I've earned enough to afford an entire year's worth of Immortal's Delight and snacks, hee-hee!
Such cruelty just for so little money...
You're a master at viral marketing.
Odd Child
Odd Child
Hey, don't scold people like that! *sniffle* Not even my mom has scolded me before.
Odd Child
Odd Child
Huh? Don't you know that's something that can be done? What a shame. Without the smarts, you will live a pitiful childhood... You missed out a great earning opportunity.
Odd Child
Odd Child
The abecedary in the lyceum always say that "it's the era that builds heroes, not heroes that build the era." I don't believe it.
Odd Child
Odd Child
I've been pondering for half a year, and I haven't figured out other truths yet, but this "era" thing is really fascinating. As long as the momentum is up, it doesn't matter whether the person is a hero or not. The money just keeps rolling in.
Odd Child
Odd Child
Hee-hee, look at them, living for centuries in vain. If you want to see some fun, go check out the freight starskiffs. You might even see the two dolts!

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