Achievements <Fair and Square>, Achievements <All Is Fair in Love and War>, Achievements <From Hero to Zero>

Condensed Aether x 1, Strale x 10, Recipe: Tasty Field Nutrient Bar x 1

๐Ÿ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Central Starskiff Haven

Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Are you my opponent?
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
What do you want from me?
Hi there, I'd like to engage in diplomacy with you...
Sorry to say, but you're gonna lose!
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
...Just speak your mind.
Let's have a deal...
Alright. I have absolutely no idea what's going on.
I hate to break the news to you, but you're going down!
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
...I'm listening.
Throw the contest and split the prize with me, 70/30.
Throw the contest and split the prize with me, 60/40.
I order you to throw the contest, and I'll take home all of the prizes!
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
...Interesting, but I can't take that.
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
I don't think that's in good faith. That's enough.
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
...Interesting. I'll take that deal.
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
I just came here to eat buns, anyway...
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
...Greedy goon!
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
I'll just have to beat you in the next phase then. Let's end it here then.
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
...Let's end this phase here.
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
You're nothing like a qualified fighter.
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Let's wait and see.
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Taciturn Man
Let's wait and see.

Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Wow, are you my opponent? You look like a stiff sneeze away from keeling over.
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Looks like I am gonna win!
Hello, let's talk diplomacy...
Sorry to say, but you're gonna lose!
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Um... are you really going along with all that stuff the boss said?
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Aren't you embarrassed to have to role-play like this?
It's pretty shameful...
It's not that embarrassing...
I'll endure anything just to land that prize!
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Great minds think alike!
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Looks like there's nothing getting in the way of you and that prize โ€” I'll throw the contest for you!
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
I've already eaten three hundred years of his buns, anyway.
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Hmph! Don't tell me you absolutely love this kind of game?
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Then I'm definitely not throwing โ€” I'll show you how terrifying three hundred years of might can be!
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Hmph! I think we got another tough guy over here. They're willing to do anything for this, too!
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Then I'm definitely not throwing โ€” I'll show you how terrifying three hundred years of might can be!
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Wow โ€” this Outworlder even threatens kids!
Excited Girl
Excited Girl
Wait for me! I'll show you how terrifying three hundred years of might can be!

Are there any discount events going on?
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Hey, dear customer! There are no "discounts" here. We already have the lowest prices in all of the Luofu. We can't discount things any further. But speaking of events...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Our store is about to hold the Competitive Eater Championship soon. Do you want to join?
Competitive Eater Championship? What's that about?
No thanks. I'm just watching.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Haha, now that's a good question โ€” we're holding this special eating event to celebrate the 421st anniversary of our store!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
You will be pitted against other competitive eaters around the Luofu and beyond to see who can eat the most buns within the time limit. And the winner wins a massive prize!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Naturally, to compete you'll have to pay a deposit first. But don't worry โ€” as long as you win, your deposit will be refunded to you in full!
This contest doesn't sound legit...
So how much credit do I have to put down?
I'm in!
I'll consider it.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Uh, hold it right there! I know what you're gonna say, but that kind of behavior is explicitly banned aboard Xianzhou!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
We really are just running a simple anniversary contest, and besides โ€” everything's mega-discounted!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Think about it: For just a small price, you can eat as much of these famous Luofu snacks as you can fit inside you โ€” is there honestly any better deal going right now in the whole universe? I don't know of any.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Only a little โ€” for just 1000 Credits, you can join in our Competitive Eater Championship!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Great! Please put down your deposit right here...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Please wait here for a moment while the other contestants take their places. The contest will begin soon!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Haha, that's fine. Enjoy the show!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
If you ever want to eat in our Competitive Eater Championship, just come back and talk to me anytime. The prizes are very generous!
This contest doesn't sound legit...
So how much credit do I have to put down?
I'll consider it.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Uh, hold it right there! I know what you're gonna say, but that kind of behavior is explicitly banned aboard Xianzhou!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
We really are just running a simple anniversary contest, and besides โ€” everything's mega-discounted!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Think about it: For just a small price, you can eat as much of these famous Luofu snacks as you can fit inside you โ€” is there honestly any better deal going right now in the whole universe? I don't know of any.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Only a little โ€” for just 1000 Credits, you can join in our Competitive Eater Championship!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Haha, that's fine. Enjoy the show!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
If you ever want to eat in our Competitive Eater Championship, just come back and talk to me anytime. The prizes are very generous!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Haha, no problem! Come back anytime!

Activation Conditions
- Credit x 1000

Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Looks like our contestants are all ready. The 421st Competitive Eater Championship is about to begin!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Let me go over everything for our contestants. The rules are simple. The contest is divided into two stages...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
With that detailed introduction, I trust everyone now clearly understands the rules and procedures of this contest! Right then, let's get cracking with the Diplomacy phase...
Hold on! What is going on!?
I'm completely clueless...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Mmm? Sounds like our dear contestant {NICKNAME} still has some questions!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Ask away, {NICKNAME}! I'll tell you everything I know and answer your questions one-by-one!
What is Diplomacy?
Dare I ask what constitutes "combat," then!?
...Nope, bring it on.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Haha, what a great question! You may not be aware, but the Cloud Knights Compendium has a quote: "The best offense prevails by strategy, then by diplomacy, then finally by force. This is the art of attacking"...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Two armies facing off against each other will fight across all facets. This contest is just like a battle, so it's natural to draw on a book of warfare like this!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
So, I started following the examples in this Compendium over 300 years ago and introduced this set of robust and exciting rules to the game: Diplomacy and Combat!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
During the Diplomacy phase, you can use any kind of diplomatic means available to seize the initiative over your opponents!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
How incredibly strategic, right?
What constitutes "diplomatic means," then?
There's so much strategy I think I'm gonna explode...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
The answer to that question is: Whatever you like!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Be it intimidation or seduction! Anything goes, so long as it gives you an advantage!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Ready to jump straight in and give it a try? That's the beauty of role-playing games!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Actually, this is the regular part of the bun-eating contest. Easy enough to understand, right?
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Everybody ready, then? Then let's begin the Diplomacy phase!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Go and chat with your opponents! When you think you're ready for the next phase, approach me โ€” and we'll then move on to the Combat phase!

Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
It's {NICKNAME}! Have you completed the Diplomacy phase yet?
Done. Let's get on with the real event.
Not yet...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Already? Wow! Then let's begin the Combat phase, then...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Contestants, listen carefully to my instructions!
You gulp in anticipation. Seems like this ridiculously theatrical Competitive Eater Championship is finally about to begin.
You peek at the other two contestants out of the corner of your eye. The guy remains tight-lipped, gaze fixed on the luscious buns in their bamboo steamer. A look of radiant excitement betrays the girl as she also stares at the bamboo steamer.
You can't help but start to wonder what the real motives behind these two contestants are. However, another loud announcement yanks your thoughts back to reality.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Ready... get set โ€” EAT!
The contest has officially begun. Seeing the other two inhaling everything before them like a tornado, you're unable to keep up. All you can do is grab onto your assigned buns in front of you, and start stuffing them like crazy into your poor little mouth.
Let's eat. Let's eat!
I can't eat anymore...
You eat and eat! After frantically stuffing your face, you are pleasantly surprised to discover that you've eaten two extra buns.
You never realized before how big buns actually are. But the contest hasn't finished yet!
Let's eat. Let's eat!
I can't eat anymore...
You eat and eat! Once more, you find yourself struggling. Despite sending down several more buns, you feel like your esophagus is all congested โ€” like the Starskiff Haven during rush-hour traffic.
Uh, but starskiffs fly up in the air. Do they really get congested? This metaphor isn't really the best...
But you don't care in the slightest โ€” because you need water, stat! You've eaten so many buns in one go that you almost choke to death!
...And this time, it's not a metaphor! So, how much water do you want to drink?
A sip.
Drink as much as you want!
Is now really the time to ask this kind of question?
No problem, you drink a sip...
But that little sip of water doesn't really help at all. Your vision goes black and you faint.
Bopth pamphened!? ("What happened!?")
Ghee phainphed! ("{F#She}{M#He} fainted!")
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Help! Somebody call the Alchemy Commission and get a healer here!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Ha, you've finally come to! Watching you fall to the ground with a thud after eating so much... You really had us worried for a while there!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Luckily the Alchemy Commission's healers came to your rescue in record speed! You may not have won today, but seeing as you've worked so hard right up until this point...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
I've made a decision to award you a consolation prize as encouragement!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Alright, you're still weak after all that. Go home and take a nice long break! I have to cancel the spiritfarer that the Ten-Lords Commission will be sending over...
No problem. You gulp down as much water as you can...
Oh, sweet release! You feel the foreign objects lodged along your throat flow down and slip into your perfectly-sized stomach. But it leaves you feeling even more stuffed.
But the competition's not over yet! What will you do next?
Let's eat. Let's eat!
Place your buns over to someone else!
I really can't eat anymore...
You eat and eat! You keep on eating, ceaselessly eating, desperately eating, eating until the darkness engulfs you, eating until the end of space and time...
...Eating until you pass out.
Bopth pamphened!? ("What happened!?")
Ghee phainphed! ("{F#She}{M#He} fainted!")
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Help! Somebody call the Alchemy Commission and get a healer here!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Ha, you've finally come to! Watching you fall to the ground with a thud after eating so much... You really had us worried for a while there!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Luckily the Alchemy Commission's healers came to your rescue in record speed! You may not have won today, but seeing as you've worked so hard right up until this point...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
I've made a decision to award you a consolation prize as encouragement!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Alright, you're still weak after all that. Go home and take a nice long break! I have to cancel the spiritfarer that the Ten-Lords Commission will be sending over...
Cunning move! You somehow remember the boss telling you how the contest was "just like a battle" โ€” in other words, it's time for the ol' switcheroo!
Taking this idea and running with it, you sleight your remaining few buns with lightning speed onto the plates of the guy and the girl...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
...Looks like we have a winner!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
The winner of this year's Competitive Eater Championship has been determined!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Congratulations to {NICKNAME}! You are our new champion!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Here's your prize. It's all yours! And we'll see you next year for the next annual contest.
Oh, now that's a real shame. You've been struggling so hard up until this point, but on the cusp of victory you declare your own downfall...
You look over at the reticent guy, and he looks back at you. His mouth is stuffed full of buns, and he can't say a word โ€” but his eyes tell a different story: "You really are a true fighter."
You look over at the excited girl... Well, she's still eating, desperately eating. She doesn't notice you at all.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
...Then {NICKNAME} has withdrawn from the contest!
Activation Conditions:C4040214I0==11
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Um... Even though Contestant {NICKNAME} couldn't handle the amount of food and ended up passing out...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
...The other two contestants also pulled out right at the same time due to their physical discomfort. Have you ever heard of anything like it?
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
No matter which way you look at it, our scrutineers have counted out the remaining buns and adjudged the winner of this year's Competitive Eater Championship as none other than โ€” Contestant {NICKNAME}!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Here's your prize. It's all yours! And we'll see you next year for the next annual contest.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
I can tell you've given it absolutely everything you've got... So I've made a decision โ€” to award you a consolation prize as encouragement!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
There's an old Xianzhou saying: "No arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat!" It doesn't matter that you lost this year's contest. Just remember to come back and check out next year's contest!
Sure is! Just as the bun stall proprietor said, this contest is "like a battle" โ€” every small decision you make could tip the scale toward victory or failure!
Too bad you never had a chance. Victory was but a stray thought floating through your head. Your vision goes black, and you pass out.
Bopth pamphened!? ("What happened!?")
Ghee phainphed! ("{F#She}{M#He} fainted!")
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Help! Somebody call the Alchemy Commission and get a healer here!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Ha, you've finally come to! Watching you fall to the ground with a thud after eating so much... You really had us worried for a while there!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Luckily the Alchemy Commission's healers came to your rescue in record speed! You may not have won today, but seeing as you've worked so hard right up until this point...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
I've made a decision to award you a consolation prize as encouragement!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Alright, you're still weak after all that. Go home and take a nice long break! I have to cancel the spiritfarer that the Ten-Lords Commission will be sending over...
The limits of your stomach obviously cannot handle this kind of situation. Honestly, at this point surrendering would be more beneficial to your health.
Is the prize really worth the pain of a distended belly? I'm afraid you've already made your decision โ€” and you know it, too.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
...Then {NICKNAME} has withdrawn from the contest!
Activation Conditions:C4040214I0==11
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Um... Even though Contestant {NICKNAME} couldn't handle the amount of food and ended up passing out...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
...The other two contestants also pulled out right at the same time due to their physical discomfort. Have you ever heard of anything like it?
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
No matter which way you look at it, our scrutineers have counted out the remaining buns and adjudged the winner of this year's Competitive Eater Championship as none other than โ€” Contestant {NICKNAME}!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Here's your prize. It's all yours! And we'll see you next year for the next annual contest.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
I can tell you've given it absolutely everything you've got... So I've made a decision โ€” to award you a consolation prize as encouragement!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
There's an old Xianzhou saying: "No arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat!" It doesn't matter that you lost this year's contest. Just remember to come back and check out next year's contest!
All are shocked to hear these words. Nobody seemed to think that this weakling of an Outworlder would capitulate so quickly, before anyone else has the chance to get slightly full.
The girl is even more pathetic โ€” her uneaten buns drop straight out of her hands onto the ground. For a split second, you don't know whether to feel sorry for the girl, for the bun โ€” or for yourself.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
...Then {NICKNAME} has withdrawn from the contest!
Activation Conditions:C4040214I0==11
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Um... Even though Contestant {NICKNAME} couldn't handle the amount of food and ended up passing out...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
...The other two contestants also pulled out right at the same time due to their physical discomfort. Have you ever heard of anything like it?
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
No matter which way you look at it, our scrutineers have counted out the remaining buns and adjudged the winner of this year's Competitive Eater Championship as none other than โ€” Contestant {NICKNAME}!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
Here's your prize. It's all yours! And we'll see you next year for the next annual contest.
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
I didn't expect... This year's Competitive Eater Championship would finish so abruptly... As the boss here, I'm harboring some really complex emotions...
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
But... I've made a decision โ€” to award you a consolation prize as encouragement!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
There's an old Xianzhou saying: "No arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat!" It doesn't matter that you lost this year's contest. Just remember to come back and check out next year's contest!
Food Stall Owner
Food Stall Owner
No worries! We'll start the Combat phase once you're good and ready.

This website is made for educational and research purpose