Dream Song #2

The table is strewn with many architectural concept drawings. Their lines are simple, but you can clearly see the many grandiose and fantastical buildings in the drawings.
Someone has written something beside the building: Twelve Hours Blueprint.

On the bookshelf is a handbook named Dreamscape Construction Guide. The scribbling on it is haphazard, like many people were perusing it at the same time.
A line stands out on the title page: "There are countless guidelines to dreamweaving, but making it interesting is the top priority!"

Interact with the Origami Birds before you

This is Dr. Blues's Emoscape, but... why are you seeing those other Origami Birds? Go ask them.

Witness Orla's past

You found Orla, who's in hiding. Listen to what they are talking about.
{TEXTJOIN#98}=Formerly a famous galactic architectural designer born into an artistic family from the Epsilon system. Her designs emphasize external curvature and aesthetics, as well as the artistic expressions of the exterior.\n<s>Her iconic work, The Reverie, was accused of plagiarism. Although the plaintiff lost the case due to insufficient evidence, Joey's reputation was still ruined.</s>\n<color=#dbc291ff>The true designer of The Reverie and also a gentle Dreamweaving scholar who sought Dreamweaving talents for the Nightingale Family.\nPassed away after being assaulted by Memory Zone Meme while exploring the Dreamscape's wilderness.</color>
{TEXTJOIN#99}=Originally a team leader in the Technical Development Department of the Interastral Peace Corporation, he was fired due to a demolitions experiment. Later, he joined the Nightingale Family.\n<s>This mad inventor is known for his eccentric inventions, with his most notable being the destructive Dreamscape exploration equipment "Vaughn III," which was discontinued due to significant safety hazards.</s>\n<color=#dbc291ff>A proud and brilliant inventor, a fervent fan of Professor Glaux. His cutting-edge creations may not be the most practical, but they are definitely flashy enough.\nHe went missing during dreamweaving-related research and development experiments, and his whereabouts remain unknown.</color>

Walk around Dreamflux Reef a bit

You've arrived at Dreamflux Reef. Look around to see if you can find something.

Talk to Barlow

You've helped Barlow defeat the Bloodhound Family members. It's time to find out what is happening.

Talk to Orla

Take the photo Fischer gave you and talk to Orla

(Joey and Vaughn — they seem to be the inspirations for Lady Vermilion and Young Master Gold. Compared to the brief descriptions in the files, the people they are in the memory are obviously far more lively...)
(Let's follow them to figure out more about Dr. Blues' past.)

Collect your thoughts

You learned Joey and Vaughn's true history. Maybe you should note all this down.

You learned Barlow's true history. Maybe you should note all this down.

Help Barlow escape

According to Barlow, the Bloodhound Family is arresting Dreamweavers. Help Barlow to distract them.

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