Goodness Is Rare #2

Talk to the Princess

Back then, I was really little.
Everyone around me said I was mature beyond my years and smarter than my peers. But I'm sure that was just an illusion I created. I was just an insecure little girl, pretending to be wise and smart.
Before my father died, he told me — in the royal family, only the cunning survive. I wasn't great at politics, but I wanted to survive.

Pour wine for the future Spymaster

I don't think I've ever killed anyone with my own hands.
Before my mother died, she told me — the battles of the court are zero-sum games. If you want to survive, you have to ensure others cannot. However, she emphasized that you should never kill anyone with your own hands. You will bear the weight of the life you took, and it will be more than you could ever bear.
Once I realized that I could erase someone's existence from the world with just a few words, things became much easier for me.

Witness Tizocic II become a ruthless ruler

I know what they said about me later — outrageous, murdering for pleasure... But they were wrong.
After gaining power, I've never been happy, neither have I gotten a peaceful night's sleep — the fear surges forth like a giant squid from the abyssal depths, entwining its tentacles around my heart, attempting to pull me back into the black abyss.
Apart from severing the origins of these fears... Gray Knight, what can I do? What do I do?

Tizocic II
Tizocic II
Gray Knight, I've been waiting for you for a while. Once again, the impoverished plot another insurgency, rallying together in an attempt to overthrow my rule.
Tizocic II
Tizocic II
It's too important to leave to anyone else, so I'm entrusting you to handle this.

Activation Conditions:C2030202I0==1

Tizocic II
Tizocic II
Gray Knight, you're finally here.
Tizocic II
Tizocic II
Another batch of imperial guards has deserted. These guards have plenty of so-called evidence against me that they intend to use when they join IPC.
Tizocic II
Tizocic II
Intercept them for me. The IPC has no jurisdiction in the Pupsha Empire's affairs.

Activation Conditions:C2030202I1==1

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