The Dragon Returns Home

Stellar Jade x 100, Trailblaze EXP x 500, Credit x 40000, Traveler's Guide x 3, Lost Crystal x 3, Lifeless Blade x 6, "Samudrartha" x 1, Achievements <Raindew of Yore>

Meet up with Dan Heng at Synwood Pavilion

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Exalting Sanctum

The wanderer, once meant to be permanently exiled, has returned to the Luofu. Dan Heng, determined to face his past, has invited you to join him in meeting the high elder of the Vidyadhara.
You never expected "Cold Dragon Young" to talk much about his own affairs, so this might be a rare chance. Finish this homecoming adventure and show off what you reaped to March 7th after.
Seems I came at a bad time.
A pleasure to make your acquaintance. The name's {NICKNAME}.
Just imagine I'm a street lamp, barely even here!
Care to elaborate?
A High Elder's maid turning away guests without her master's knowledge?
Perhaps you should know that Miss Bailu's path to becoming a high elder was neither in compliance with proper protocol nor of her own volition β€” everything was a result of the stubbornness of her predecessor β€” Dan Feng. His hubris and tyranny brought about the end of the Luofu's high elder succession.
The Preceptors heard of Master Dan Heng's return, and were uncertain whether it constituted good or ill fortune. However, many have surmised that the Luofu's high elder succession tradition will soon be back in force. If true, that is indeed something worth celebrating.
Whether we find another suitable candidate in accordance with the laws of our people... or have you take up the position anew β€” everything can still be mended.
But, if Master Dan Heng were to hand everything over to Miss Bailu, it could lead to great upheavals on the horizon. No good would come of it for her.
Another suitable candidate? Who does the Vidyadhara hope for?
I don't think she even wants to be the High Elder.
Shouldn't you ask Bailu herself about this?
Hehe, such a major matter as this is naturally up to the Preceptor elders. I couldn't possibly say.
I've been a maid here for twelve years now, and was with my mistress every day as she studied medicine and received tutelage. I've witnessed her countless escapes, and the inevitable unwilling returns.
As far as the Xianzhou is concerned, children like her enjoy a charmed and happy childhood. But as a high elder in nothing but name alone, Miss Bailu is highly restricted in her actions and has no freedom or say about her own life.
I can't bear it! Your Highness, please, think about this poor child!
Miss Bailu is young, naive, and easily manipulated by others. I worry that under the pressure of others, she would be convinced into taking up too great a burden.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
I understand your concern... but I have nothing more to say on the matter at present.
Then I will bid my farewell.
Master Dan Heng, whether you choose to meet Miss Bailu or go with me to see the Preceptor elders, I will be waiting for you by the ferry leading to Scalegorge Waterscape.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
I haven't even set eyes on Bailu, and people are already urging me not to meet her...
Finally, we can learn about Dan Heng's past!
Should I keep this a secret from the others?
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
...You've been spending too much time with March.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
No need. March will find out sooner or later.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
You know that I'm a descendant of the Luofu Vidyadhara. In Scalegorge Waterscape, you witnessed my... "secret strength," as March would call it...
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
...yet that power stems from Dan Feng β€” my previous incarnation. He altered the process of high elder succession, plunging everything into catastrophe... ultimately, he suffered the punishment of molting rebirth.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
Based on the physiological principles of Vidyadhara reincarnation, I ought to have been an entirely new entity... and in view of the law, all crimes from my previous incarnation should have been wiped clean...
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
...but in reality, I was locked up in The Shackling Prison at birth. Even after I was released and left the Xianzhou, my high elder past and Dan Feng's {RUBY_B#Blade}enemies{RUBY_E#} pursued me like a haunting shadow.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
Now, I plan to face that shadow. In order to make amends, I want to repair the Ambrosial Arbor's seal... and visit the high elder, to see what more I can do.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
The starskiff's ready. Let's go.

Find the Ferryman and head to the Alchemy Commission delve together

Dan Heng's homecoming seems to be a big ordeal, requiring notice to be delivered to the Luofu's Six Charioteers and the Vidyadhara elders... Seeing as Dan Heng already made travel arrangements, you should go with him. It won't do for you to just use a Space Anchor to teleport to the Alchemy Commission alone.
Dan Heng never intended to conceal his Vidyadhara heritage, and this might explain why he possesses such a magnanimous demeanor nowadays. Yet, the Vidyadhara's attitude towards his return remains to be seen...
The rumors are true β€” you really are back...
I'm healer Luying of the Alchemy Commission β€” I'm a Vidyadhara too, as you can see. I'd heard the reincarnation of the great sinner has returned to the Luofu... and wanted to offer some advice.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
Leave this troubled place immediately.
Looks like the Vidyadhara aren't big fans of yours.
Are you here about the high elder succession, too?
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
...I'm not surprised in the slightest. What does the Alchemy Commission want, then?
Return to being a Nameless β€” stay out of the high elder succession.
The Luofu Vidyadhara have finally recovered from Dan Feng's grievous sins, and were blessed with a compassionate and caring high elder in Bailu... none of this was easy. Your return has stirred up resentment and ambition among the Preceptors, and threatens our situation.
Certainly! Miss Bailu has weathered nothing but criticism since she was granted the title, but the Alchemy Commission firmly believes that girl to be a precious diamond in the rough. She is compassionate, kind, and a hundred times better than Dan Feng.
Moreover, Dan Feng selected her as high elder, making her the leader of the Luofu Vidyadhara. Fate chose her as our sovereign, and we bowed down before that destiny.
Now that you're back, everything has changed. The Preceptors are starting to think of finding other candidates, which means nothing but trouble for Miss Bailu.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
I have no intention of threatening Bailu's position.
You may have a clear conscience, but even so... As long as you remain on the Luofu, invisible forces will try to coerce you. Leave now. It's the best outcome for everyone involved.
Do not repeat the mistakes of a past life in this one. Farewell.

Excuse me, are you two on your way to the Alchemy Commission delve?

Alchemy Commission

Request an audience with the high elder and meet the messenger

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Alchemy Commission

It seems the way home isn't comprised of polite greetings but people urging Dan Heng to turn back. Perhaps his return to the Xianzhou Luofu might not be the happiest affair...
Seeing how many people can recognize him with the barest mention, this might have to do with his revealed identity. This doesn't seem like something the usually circumspect Dan Heng is used to.
Yes β€” many. Each with their own agenda in mind.
It's just a quick meeting. What's the big deal?
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
A chance meeting is a gift from fate. Why don't I help you to fathom their intent, then?
The Vidyadhara elders want to choose a new High Elder.
The Alchemy Commission hopes that Bailu can stay on as High Elder.
General, what do you think about this?
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Haha, the power struggle between the Preceptors and their High Elder is a tale as old as time. And someone as powerful as Dan Feng, who was completely beyond their control, was enough for them to harbor a hidden rage.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
The elders used to have a small say in appointing the new High Elder. Who could have imagined that Dan Feng would pick his own successor? And yet, that is precisely what happened, and all they could do was accept the result.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Now that Dan Heng has arrived, the elders see yet another chance β€” how could they let it go?
Pretty bold of them!
Seems reasonable!
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Haha! Us outsiders should not judge the laws of the Vidyadhara.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
The Dragon Lady has no power and Dan Feng is a criminal. One can understand their desire for a new high elder.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
The Preceptors have been suppressed for some time now β€” they will inevitably try to overturn the situation.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
These people speak of "legitimacy." They believe that Bailu was chosen as heir apparent by the previous High Elder, and that unless she were to commit a terrible sin, the Preceptors should have no right whatsoever to choose again.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
The Healer Lady has draconic features and scarcely believable therapeutic abilities. Some regard this as evidence that she is the High Elder. But the Preceptors are fixated on strength, and are unwilling to accept her...
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Now that Dan Feng's reincarnation has shown a command over the vast marine expanse of Lunarescent Depths, those longing to keep the traditional bequeathal of the High Elder feel increasingly uneasy.
Very conservative of them!
Very reasonable!
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
After Dan Feng's abdication, they fought against the Preceptors and saved Bailu's dignity. They demonstrated a true devotion.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Before Dan Heng arrived, everything was quiet as a windless lake. In that regard, it is understandable that they want to get rid of him.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
These folks aren't the type to just let it go.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
It is an internal affair of the Vidyadharas. As long as it does not disturb the peace aboard the Luofu, it does not involve the general of the Cloud Knights.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Nevertheless, as a friend, let me remind you of one thing. So long as Dan Heng and Bailu, with their respective High Elder powers and titles, both remain on the Luofu, the Vidyadhara will never cease their internal strife. This is not to say that either of you are to blame.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
It's getting late. You are headed to repair the Arbor's seal at Scalegorge Waterscape, and visit the High Elder, no? Farewell, for now. I should start taking this business of rest and recuperation a little more seriously.


Thank you for rescuing me, Master Dan Heng.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
They came for me β€” I'm sorry you got dragged into it.
It's risky to remain here β€” we should leave. Master Dan Heng, after your meeting, will you go with me to see the elders?
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
Should I ever want to meet the Preceptors, Miss Huanxi, I'll ask you to pass on the message.
I understand. Please alight, Your Highness. Miss Bailu awaits you at Dragonvista Rain Hall.
Let's go.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
It could be dangerous ahead... we should proceed carefully.
Activation Conditions:C2020601I0==1

Dan Heng
Dan Heng
Now that the seal is repaired, my affairs on the Xianzhou have drawn to an end... for the time being.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Are you planning on staying on the Luofu? The banishment decree has been revoked, and the Preceptors have regained an awareness of the situation. This is your chance to return to your homeland.
Dan Heng belongs to the Astral Express...
You should stay... but remember to write to us.
(Wait for Dan Heng's response)
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Hahahaha, I do not seek to take Dan Heng away from you.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
You're... asking him to stay here?
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
As a Nameless, the Express still needs me.
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan
Ah... that is a pity.

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