Sinners Misled, Credence Falsified

Stellar Jade x 80, Trailblaze EXP x 600, Credit x 25000, Refined Aether x 3, Achievements <Draconic Opulence>

Speak with Dan Shu at the Exalting Sanctum and learn about the Draught of Draconic Surge

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Exalting Sanctum

Dan Shu's study into the Draught of Draconic Surge managed to yield some information. She definitely deserves her title of being a genius chief alchemist, the breadth of her knowledge was jaw-droppingly vast.
Hand Dan Shu's report to Qingzu, she must need the report as quickly as possible.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Ah, you're back. From the sound of your stride, I sense you're in good spirits.
You've got that right.
You can tell just by listening?
Your ears are really sharp!
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Many who undertake the far-reaching journey to the Xianzhou are weighed down by a heavy heart and exhaustion... but your steps are bold and steady - a stride worthy of a Nameless.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
A persons's footfall reveals a lot about their strength and emotions β€” much like how a person's breath may serve as an indication of their overall health.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I wouldn't be envious. This is not an innate ability β€” merely compensation for my visual impairment. Ultimately, nothing I hear or smell can match the vividness of the colors that you perceive.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Let's get down to business... I analyzed the prescription you procured: The Draught of Draconic Surge. Now that I have a preliminary conclusion, it needs to be delivered to the Seat of Divine Foresight.
What is the conclusion?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
The conclusion... Put simply, I don't believe that the Draught of Draconic Surge holds the cure to the mara. Even in the foreseeable future, there will likely not be any such cure.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I've compiled the details into a written analysis. If you're interested, feel free to take a look.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
This is a copy of "Pharmacological Studies on the Draught of Draconic Surge." If the chief counselor wants to see it urgently, I'll have to ask you to deliver it for me.
+ Pharmacological Studies on the Draught of Draconic Surge x 1
+ Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Collection of Exhibits β€” Pharmacological Studies on the Draught of Draconic Surge x 1

Head to the Seat of Divine Foresight and pass Dan Shu's report to Qingzu

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Seat of Divine Foresight

{NICKNAME}, you're back. Anything you wanted to share?
The prescription from the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus...
Wow, even for those alchemists, that was fast.
It was Dan Shu who figured it out.
Dan Shu? Wait β€” why would the Alchemy Commission's chief alchemist be away from her post?
I've heard that the chief alchemist is visually impaired β€” she rarely leaves the Alchemy Commission delve. She has a vast knowledge and expertise β€” no wonder she was able to analyze the pharmacology so quickly.
Let me see her report...
Qingzu's expression is serious as she completes reading Dan Shu's report.
No cure? Tsk, where did these villains get their hands on such a complex prescription? This is infuriating...
Still, this is a clue we can follow. Thank you, {NICKNAME}. Please accept these gifts for your efforts.
You've already rewarded me.
You're being too polite.
Thank you~
Those were rewards from the Seat of Divine Foresight β€” these are gifts from me, personally. You've done so much for the Luofu... for the Xianzhou. This is the least I could do.
Please, take them. You've done so much for the Luofu... for the Xianzhou. This is the least I could do.
Please, take them. You've done so much for the Luofu... for the Xianzhou. This is the least I could do.

Talk to Dan Shu at the Exalting Sanctum and listen to her request

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Exalting Sanctum

The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus incident seems to be behind you. However, Dan Shu has some other matter requiring your help.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
{NICKNAME}, thank you for coming on such short notice.
What can I help you with?
I suddenly remember I have some other matters to attend to...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
My stay in Exalting Sanctum was supposed to be focused on treating people and delivering medicine, but the Seat of Divine Foresight tasked me with analyzing the prescription... I've been severely delayed.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I've already concocted some of the medicine in question, but there can't be any further delays. Could you assist me in ensuring it arrives on time?
No problem.
Why me?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Thank you. The patient in question is a little girl. If she's gotten into any trouble, {NICKNAME}, be sure to let me know when you get back.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
This is the medicine. Her house is near the Court of Tranquility, it shouldn't be hard to find her.
+ A Medicine Concocted by Dan Shu x 1
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
My colleagues were supposed to handle the deliveries, but now healers are needed everywhere... I can't count on them to do it. I thought long and hard, but I realized I had no choice but to ask you. Perhaps you could see it as repaying a favor?
Fair enough.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
The patient in question is a little girl. If she's gotten into any trouble, be sure to let me know when you get back, {NICKNAME}.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
This is the medicine. Her house is near the Court of Tranquility, it shouldn't be hard to find her.
+ A Medicine Concocted by Dan Shu x 1

Find the little girl at the Exalting Sanctum and hand her the medicine

Dan Shu wants you to deliver medicine to a little girl, but laced between her words seems to be another request other than the medicine delivery.
Little miss lady, can't see ahead!
Can't see right, can't see left!
Heads to the east, ends up west!
(Is this the one Dan Shu sent me to find? Does she come here to treat other sightless people?)
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Aw, little miss lady, can't see ahead, can't see right, can't see left, heads to the east, ends up west! Hahaha!
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
She's stuck, hehe! She can't get down!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Hey, what you looking at, outworlder? Mind your own business!
Stop it!
So cocky, huh?
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
What's this gotta do with you? You her family or something? Cause you don't look like it. Hmph, you're just trying to be a hero. You sure you wanna mess with the Luofu Trio?
What is this "Luofu Trio"?
Enough of this nonsense, get away from her.
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Hahahaha! What a doofus! Who hasn't heard of the Luofu Trio?
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
The Luofu Trio is made up of two β€” uh... thβ€”three super awesome kids that everyone's afraid of! Even the Realm-Keeping Commission!
I'll call the Realm-Keeping Commission over then.
Can I join the Luofu Trio?
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Go ahead! You think we're scared of you? They'll just put us in detention β€” we'll be free again in no time...
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
*sigh* Let's leave it, Boss. Detention's detention, but if your dad finds out, you'll get yelled at and start crying again...
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Hey! Why'd you bring that up... Hmph, you're right, we shouldn't stoop to this short-lifer's level.
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Did you hear that? The boss is letting you off the hook, so scram!
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Yeah, the boss doesn't wanna stoop to your level. Now buzz off, before he yells at you and makes you cry!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
You idiot! Enough about yelling and crying!
While the three run away provokingly, you take the chance to lead the girl away from this site of conflict.
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
You think you can join the Luofu Trio just because you feel like it?
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
It's called a trio, which means only two β€” uh... thβ€”three people are allowed! Dβ€”Don't you know how to count?
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Haha, look, this short-lifer wants to join us!
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
You don't even know our rules! *clears throat* Section one β€” no making friends outside the Trio! No boyfriends or girlfriends! All members must devote their youth to the Trio!
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Number two β€” earning pocket money through chores is forbidden β€” all sources of income must be "voluntary" donations from other kids!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Number three, no making friends with grown-ups β€” except your mom and dad. You must fight against all grown-up forces to the end!
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Number four, the boss never cries. Sure, his dad might yell at him sometimes, and the lyceum abecedaries like to make him stand in the hallway, but those are tears of strength β€” not weakness!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Hey! Since when did we have a number four!?
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Ahem, ignore that last one... If you really, truly wanna join the Luofu Trio, we might be able to make an exception... But tell me, what can you bring to the table?
I have a couple of snacks...
I am the Antimatter Legion.
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Snacks? Not bad, let's see them.
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Fickle outworlder, you think you can bribe the Luofu Trio with a couple snacks? Think again!
You produce two packs of snacks close to their best-by date and give them to the Luofu Trio.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Shh, let's see if they're tasty, first.
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
I... guess it couldn't hurt. Good idea, Boss! One pack for you, one for me.
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Hey, what about me? Where's mine?
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Eat dirt! There are only two packs β€” just enough for me and the boss. Why would you get any?
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
You always steal my snacks when the boss isn't here. Now that he's arrived in Exalting Sanctum, it's payback time.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Quit it, you two. Both packs are mine, that way there's nothing for you to fight over.
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
You can't just take both packs for yourself! Isn't the Luofu Trio supposed to share everything evenly?
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Evenly? How was it even when you stole my share, hmm?
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Who said anything about sharing? Might makes right!
The three children start tussling with each other. You take the chance to lead the girl away from the site of conflict.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Aβ€”Antimatter Legion? Stop bluffing! Why would the Antimatter Legion be in Exalting Sanctum?
We've come to devour children.
I'm here to hire a fighter.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Dβ€”Devour children? Hahaha... Nβ€”Not funny...
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Uh, boss... I don't think they're kidding...
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Mβ€”My mom told me the Antimatter Legion eat children who misbehave... It's not true, is it?
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Cβ€”Cβ€”Calm down! Don't let them scare you!
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
HELP! The Antimatter Legion is going to eat us!
The two children run away immediately, leaving the arrogant kid alone.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Hey! Don't leave me behind!
The three troublemakers flee from the scene. Taking the chance, you lead the girl away from the site of the conflict.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Hmph! The Antimatter Legion wants me to join them? Hah, looks like my reputation has reached the farthest corners of the galaxy! When do I report for duty?
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Boss, they said "hire a fighter," not "hire you." It might be me they're after!
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
What are you guys thinking? It's me they want.
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Ha, you think the Antimatter Legion would come all this way for you? You're a goody two shoes.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
What are you guys talking about!? Obviously, I'm the baddest baddy in the galaxy!
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Yeah, right! You think the baddest baddy in the galaxy would burst into tears whenever they're yelled at by an abecedary!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Say that again, I dare you.
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Yeah β€” fight, fight, fight! The winner gets to join the Legion with me!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
If it's a fight you want, you're getting it first!
The three children start tussling with each other. You take the chance to lead the girl away from the site of conflict.
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Who do you think you are? Keep your nose out of this β€” I beat people up all the time.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Yeah, get lost! Stop meddling in our business!
The arrogant kid runs up to you and punches you. You stand strong, unmoving, but the boy falls backward from the reaction force.
Hateful Kid & Mean Kid
Hateful Kid & Mean Kid
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Argh, stop yelling and help me up already!
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
They used some kind of hidden power β€” I saw it! You're a cheater!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
That's right! If you hadn't cheated, I would've knocked your lights out!
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
You sure about that, boss? They didn't even flinch.
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Ugh, shut up! Boss, let's get outta here β€” we shouldn't fight anyone that doesn't respect martial arts!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Hmph! I'll let you off the hook this time β€” next time we fight fair and square!
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
The three children flee from the scene while disgruntled. You take the chance to lead the girl away from this site of conflict.
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
Who do you think you are? Keep your nose out of this β€” I beat people up all the time.
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Yeah, get lost! Stop meddling in our business!
The arrogant kid runs up to you and punches you. You stand strong, unmoving, but the boy falls backward from the reaction force.
Hateful Kid & Mean Kid
Hateful Kid & Mean Kid
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Argh, stop yelling and help me up already!
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
They used some kind of hidden power β€” I saw it! You're a cheater!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
That's right! If you hadn't cheated, I would've knocked your lights out!
Hateful Kid
Hateful Kid
You sure about that, boss? They didn't even flinch.
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
Ugh, shut up! Boss, let's get outta here β€” we shouldn't fight anyone that doesn't respect martial arts!
Arrogant Kid
Arrogant Kid
Hmph! I'll let you off the hook this time β€” next time we fight fair and square!
Mean Kid
Mean Kid
The three children flee from the scene while disgruntled. You take the chance to lead the girl away from this site of conflict.

Little Girl
Little Girl
Thank you for helping me, {F#miss}{M#mister}...
Are you okay?
Dan Shu wants me to deliver this medication to you.
Little Girl
Little Girl
I'm... okay... it's my fault. I shouldn't have wandered off on my own... then I wouldn't have run into those guys.
Little Girl
Little Girl
They always laugh at me for being blind. They like to trip me up, and steal my things.
Little Girl
Little Girl
Thβ€”Thank goodness you were here... Otherwise they wouldn't have let me off so easily...
Little Girl
Little Girl
Oh, Dan Shu asked you to come?
Little Girl
Little Girl
Things are bad on the Luofu recently β€” Dan Shu must be very busy. Thank you, {F#miss}{M#mister}, remember to thank her for me.
The little girl takes the medicine and returns the way she came.
(Why does she wander about alone...?)
(*sigh* Well, I've delivered the medicine. I should report back to Dan Shu.)
- A Medicine Concocted by Dan Shu x 1

Report to Dan Shu at the Exalting Sanctum

Dan Shu
Dan Shu
How was she? Did you deliver the medicine?
You describe what happened to Dan Shu.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
She reminds me of myself when I was a child β€” I also had to find my way in the dark, face obstacles I couldn't predict, as well as deal with unconscious prejudices people had against me.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
If I was ever injured by bullies or after a fall, I'd run crying to the healers at the Alchemy Commission and ask them to heal me. I suppose that's why I followed in their footsteps β€” to pay a little kindness forward.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Thank you for looking after the child. Could I ask you for another favor, {NICKNAME}?
What do you need?
Are you worried about her?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I want to meet the little girl, can you lead me to her?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
...I worry about her wandering around on her own, and I want to know what's been on her mind lately.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Her parents passed away in the Denizens of Abundance Wars... The relatives who took her in aren't close to her, and whenever I treat her, she often confides in me.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
A healer's medicine might remedy one's physical health, but sometimes the loneliness and hurt inside one's heart needs companionship and care to heal.
She might've wandered far.
Do you know where you might find her?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
She told me that whenever she's feeling troubled, she finds a quiet corner in the Artisanship Commission and just sits there, letting the sounds wash over her.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Her parents used to be artisans in the Commission, so I think she has some nostalgic connection to the place.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
In all likelihood, that's where she'll be. *sigh* There's danger around every corner these days β€” especially for a sightless child. Let's go.

Head to the Artisanship Commission with Dan Shu and find the little girl

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Artisanship Commission

The little girl went to a dangerous place on her own. With her being so young and an Incomplete One, Dan Shu was worried enough to come with you to the danger zone. Quick, get to it. There's human life at stake, and time waits for no one.
Little Girl
Little Girl
*sob* Help...
Little Girl
Little Girl
Somebody help me...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
...What's happening? Is the girl in trouble?
Little Girl
Little Girl
*sob* Help...

Dan Shu
Dan Shu
It's alright, everything's okay now, Xiaoyu...
Little Girl
Little Girl
*sniffle* Thank you {F#big sister}{M#big brother}, thank you Dan Shu...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
You don't need to be scared anymore, {NICKNAME} is here.
Little Girl
Little Girl
But I... When I think about all the trouble I've caused you two... I feel like such a burden... I'm sorry...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Is that why you're crying? Maybe... you should start getting used to this feeling...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
...because in the next few centuries, visually impaired people like us will continue to require help from everyone we meet.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
So, if a little bit of guilt like this is enough to break your heart, then how will you manage such an arduous path?
Dan Shu?
Is this supposed to be comforting?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I'm not trying to console her. This is... the reality.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Walking alone in the darkness, fearing every incoming, invisible obstacle, unable to understand other people's descriptions...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Everyone, everything is like a hot coal in the dark β€” invisible, yet still able to burn you.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
As a long-life species, she can expect life to continue like this for nearly a thousand years. She must learn to depend upon herself rather than just foolishly waiting around for the next hero to swoop in and save her.
There will always be someone willing to help her.
Aren't you helping to save her?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
One hopes that would be the case...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
...but that would require someone to be by her side every waking second of every day. In the meantime, she'll have to learn to withstand the darkness β€” just as I have.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Yes... by trying my best to change her personal circumstances.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
In the meantime, she'll have to learn to withstand the darkness β€” just as I have.
Little Girl
Little Girl
I... You're right, Dan Shu... From now on, I'll do my best to rely on myself...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Good, I hope you remember this β€” forever.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
This place is too dangerous, {NICKNAME}. Let's head back to Exalting Sanctum.
You send Dan Shu and the little girl back.

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Seat of Divine Foresight

Exalting Sanctum

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Exalting Sanctum

Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Thank you again, for all you've done.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
It would seem we Incomplete Ones are often bullied from a tender age... I endured innumerous hardships to become chief alchemist, yet there are still things that leave me feeling helpless.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
That's the reason I said what I said... You might mistake my words for being hurtful β€” but the truth is, no amount of words can prepare her for what lies ahead.
Is there no cure?
Does the Xianzhou have the technology to help with such impairments?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
For long-life species, these things are permanent. Whether we are beautiful or ugly, tall or short, wise or foolish β€” all of it is encoded into our flesh from the moment we are born.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
The impairments of short-life species can be corrected with ingenia or surgery, but that's an impossibility for Xianzhou natives.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
No matter the method employed, our bodies will eventually return to their original states.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I too was once a non-believer β€” I fooled myself into acquiring artificial eye implants... Soon thereafter, my sightless eyes began to regenerate, and I was left in pain and despair...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
That brief window of sight that I regained has turned into a perpetual source of anguish β€” forever etched into my mind...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
For long-life species, this incompleteness is a permanent, unavoidable penance.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Hmph, what a joke... Even the Denizens of Abundance β€” the so-called "abominations" β€” needn't endure such torture. Perhaps we Incomplete Ones are merely traitors cursed by the Plagues Author.
What do you mean?
You had a scary look on your face just now...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
It's nothing... Forget I said anything.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Thank you for sticking with me through all of this, {NICKNAME}. I think my aspirations in Exalting Sanctum have been met, for now.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Oh, I have a gift for you... though I'll need a little time to prepare it. I'll contact you once it's ready to collect.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
See you soon, {NICKNAME}.

Out of curiosity, you flip through the books beside Dan Shu. Hearing that, she turns to you.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
This is a diary I kept β€” it records the many attempts I made to overcome my incompletions.
I'm sorry...
Oops, I didn't realize this was your diary...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
No need to apologize β€” feel free to read it. If you're interested in the Incomplete Ones... you can take it.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
If it can deepen your understanding of our trials and tribulations, it will have fulfilled its purpose.
+ Dan Shu's Diary (I) x 1

Go to the Spare Time Book Shop and wait for Dan Shu's message

Dan Shu wants to give you something as a thank-you, but she needs some time to prepare. Come back later, and look around for some books at the Spare Time Book Shop. The book store seems to be quite lenient toward those who display no interest in purchasing anything.
I'd like to read some books to pass the time...
I'd like to read some books to pass the time...
Go right ahead. Mr. Xiyan said that making bookworms feel at home is more important than getting them to buy something.
All we ask is that you find a quiet spot away from the browsing areas!
You pick up a book that has recently gotten popular across the Alliance. Time passes quickly.
Looks like the person you were waiting for has gotten in touch. Safe travels! Oh, uh... maybe buy a book next time?

Talk to Dan Shu at the Exalting Sanctum and accept her gift

Dan Shu managed to prepare her gift, so go ahead and talk to her. You wonder what unique present a chief alchemist of the Alchemy Commission like her would gift.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Ah, there you are, {NICKNAME}.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
You've been running so many errands lately β€” I'd like for you to take some useful items away with you.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Examining the exhibits in the Seat of Divine Foresight inspired me to create this. I referenced some historical texts and concocted a medicine that can extend your lifespan and improve your health.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I call it the Brumedew Concentrate Pellet, and I'd like you to have it, {NICKNAME}.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Consuming it will make your body light, agile, and promote longevity and well-being. As a Nameless, it'll make your journey a much less arduous one.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Well then, that's that. I've still got some other business to attend to, so... shall we say goodbye for now?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Perhaps the next time we meet, I'll be able to see you in the true sense of the word.
Dan Shu placed the box with the pellet on the table. You glance at it.
Swallow it down.
Put it aside.
(Hmm... Tastes a bit strange, but no adverse reactions so far...)
(Wait a minute... Argh, my head... What's happening?)
(Sβ€”Something's wrong β€” I'm burning up... Feels like I can't breathe...)
(Whew... Seems to be calming down a little, but still uncomfortable...)
(This doesn't seem right, I'd better talk to Qingzu at the Seat of Divine Foresight.)
(It's not that I don't trust Dan Shu... but this doesn't seem like something I should take lightly.)
(Something feels off β€” I'd better talk to Qingzu at the Seat of Divine Foresight.)
+ Brumedew Concentrate Pellet x 1

Head to the Seat of Divine Foresight and report to Qingzu

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Seat of Divine Foresight

You are cautious and didn't swallow the Brumedew Concentrate Pellet Dan Shu has prepared for you. Why would the Chief Alchemist of the Alchemy Commission give you a suspicious pellet like this? Something's afoot, go and discuss it with Qingzu.
{NICKNAME}, it's been a while. To what does the Seat of Divine Foresight owe the pleasure?
You recount everything that happened between you and Dan Shu to Qingzu.
I understand... You say you have suspicions about this pellet she gave you?
How about this, leave this Brumedew Concentrate Pellet with me, and I'll find someone to run a few tests on it.
(Hand over the Brumedew Concentrate Pellet)
I need to find a trustworthy alchemist, so you'll need to wait here a while. It isn't easy to find trustworthy people like yourself in these perilous times.
Qingzu turns around and leaves. It was a long time before she returns to the Seat of Divine Foresight hurriedly.
Thank the stars you were wise enough not take that pellet, {NICKNAME} β€” my alchemists were able to extract many forbidden components. The result... is identical to the Disciples' mysterious prescription...
I can't believe Dan Shu lied to me...
I see. In that case, I'll go look for her now.
I understand, try not to be too upset.
I had a suspicion that there might be a spy in the Alchemy Commission, but I never expected it to be someone so high up in the organization...
I'll put out a wanted notice for Dan Shu immediately. If you find any trace of her, get in touch with me.
Take this Diting with you, it might just help you find this... "friend."
Qingzu turns around and leaves. It was a long time before she returns to the Seat of Divine Foresight hurriedly.
- Brumedew Concentrate Pellet x 1

You swallowed the Brumedew Concentrate Pellet that Dan Shu gave you. Almost immediately, your body starts heating up, and you feel a little dizzy and nauseated... Something feels strange, go ahead and discuss it with Qingzu.
(Argh... There goes my head again... Is Dan Shu sure this Brumedew is safe for consumption?)
(What's happening? Isn't this the Seat of Divine Foresight? Why are there so many mara-struck here...)
(No... I can't let them... get near me...)

{NICKNAME}! What happened to you? Be careful, don't hurt {F#her}{M#him}...
{NICKNAME}! {NICKNAME}! Wake up, are you okay?
Thank the stars, you're finally awake. I thought we might lose you, I was so worried.
What happened to me?
You came into the Seat of Divine Foresight and started brandishing your weapon.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...
I don't remember anything at all...
It looked like you'd lost control, as if you'd been stricken with mara...
There has to be something awry. Tell me what happened to you before arriving at the Seat of Divine Foresight.
You recount everything that happened between you and Dan Shu to Qingzu.
From what you're saying, it seems like the gift she gave to you must be related to the Disciples' prescription we examined earlier...
...but the healer who examined you just now said your body doesn't seem to have been affected... how strange.
Could Dan Shu be playing a trick on you? Or is her medicine somehow not working as planned? My advice is to come back later for another examination... It's a Disciples of Sanctus Medicus prescription after all β€” who knows what "healing" effects it may have.
I'll put out a wanted notice for Dan Shu immediately. If you find any trace of her, get in touch with me.
Take this Diting with you, it might just help you find this... "friend."

Find clues of Dan Shu's whereabouts in the Exalting Sanctum

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Exalting Sanctum

Surprise, surprise. Dan Shu is a Disciple of Sanctus Medicus. You might not be able to accept that fact easily, but you have seen through her... No matter what, time is of the essence. You need to find her before she does something worse.
(Dan Shu isn't here... Where could she be?)
(I've got it. Dan Shu's medicine box has her scent on it β€” I'll ask the Diting that Qingzu lent me to track her.)
The Diting follows Dan Shu's scent and leads you to the Artisanship Commission.

Artisanship Commission

Find clues of Dan Shu's whereabouts in the Artisanship Commission

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Artisanship Commission

Time to come out, little Diting. I need you to help me find Dan Shu.


Surprise, surprise. Dan Shu is a Disciple of Sanctus Medicus. You might not be able to accept that fact easily, or perhaps you already saw through her... No matter what, time is of the essence. You need to find her before she does something worse.
(That's... Dan Shu... with a group of Disciples... I guess that tells me all I need to know...)

(*sigh* ...I'd better report my findings to Qingzu at the Seat of Divine Foresight.)

Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
{NICKNAME}, I didn't expect you to come looking for me.
They call you "master."
You're the head of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus?
You lied to me.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
So they do. I am Master of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus, scion of Merciful Medicus, and I shall lead the entire Xianzhou Alliance onto the Path of Abundance.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
The head? What a crude way of putting it. I am Master of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus, scion of Merciful Medicus, and I shall lead the entire Xianzhou Alliance onto the Path of Abundance.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I lied to you about many things... but I reserve my apology only for deceiving you into taking the medicine. As for the other falsehoods, they were merely in aid of communicating as equals.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Did you ingest the Brumedew Concentrate Pellet I gave you?
I did.
I didn't.
What kind of medicine is it, exactly?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Did you feel the shift? So many Elixir Seekers arrive on the Xianzhou in the hope of obtaining the formula to immortality, but none have succeeded.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Their aspirations are well-founded. The Xianzhou does indeed harbor the secret to becoming immortal. I admire you, so I thought I'd give you the chance to obtain it.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Upon ingesting the Brumedew Concentrate Pellet, you will feel the limitless freedom of the form bestowed upon you by Merciful Medicus...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
...and yet β€” you don't sound any different. Your breaths are not prolonged, and your presence doesn't feel like it's been altered in any way...
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Why is that? Is your constitution somehow different from the average person?
I host a Stellaron inside me.
I don't need to answer you.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
A Stellaron...? That's impossible.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Even if what you say is true, to host a Stellaron as a short-life species would only spell an early demise. It looks like you are not fated to live a long life.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Looks like you have yet to forgive me... I understand.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I admire your vigilance... What a shame. So many Elixir Seekers arrive on the Xianzhou in the hope of obtaining the formula to immortality, but none have succeeded.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Their aspirations are well-founded. The Xianzhou does indeed harbor the secret to becoming immortal. I admire you, so I thought I'd give you the chance to obtain it.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
The Brumedew Concentrate Pellet will turn you into a long-life species β€” you will feel the limitless freedom of the form bestowed upon you by Merciful Medicus... By not taking it, you are foregoing its benefits.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Such a pity... though as your friend, I respect your choice.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
That which the Elixir Seekers that arrive on the Xianzhou dream of β€” the formula to immortality. To take it is to initiate the transformation from a short-life species into a Xianzhou person or an abomination... depending on your perception.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Please believe me when I say that never once have I thought about harming you... I merely wanted to offer you the chance to obtain immortality and freedom.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
{NICKNAME}, please, I urge you to leave the Luofu... Abandon this struggle, the truth isn't what it appears to be.
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
What did the minions at the Seat of Divine Foresight tell you about this conflict? That the Reignbow Arbiter is the emissary of the righteous? That the Arbiter is chasing the heathen Plagues Author across the stars, while the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus abet their heresy?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
Do you really think that is the case? You don't understand Merciful Medicus, nor the Devilish Archer Author, but you understand me β€” do you see me as such? A heretic?
Dan Shu
Dan Shu
I do not ask for you to pick a side... I just wish for you to leave the Luofu β€” to leave this all behind. This isn't your fight, and I do not wish to make an enemy of you.
(Let Dan Shu go)
(Battle with Dan Shu)
+ Dan Shu's Diary (I) x 1


Head to the Seat of Divine Foresight and report to Qingzu

πŸ“ The Xianzhou Luofu Seat of Divine Foresight

The Genius Chief Alchemist is a master primus in the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus. What to say about her... she's at the top of everything she attempts to do.
You couldn't catch her, but this isn't your fault. Go and inform Qingzu, the Seat of Divine Foresight should be able to take care of the rest... hopefully.
How did it go? Did you manage to locate Dan Shu?
You interrupt Qingzu and report to her everything that happened at the Artisanship Commission.
So you weren't able to apprehend her... I see. These people have been in hiding for so long β€” they must have a more nefarious plan. I've got to apprehend them quickly.
Once again, thank you for all your help. With your intel, we will put a stop to Dan Shu.
Jing Yuan tells me you'll be joining the forces led by the Alchemy Commission and master diviner β€” I won't take up any more of your time. Please take good care of yourself.
If you run into Dan Shu again β€” contact the nearest Cloud Knights.
Take this as a token of my appreciation. You deserve it.

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