When the Stars of Ingenuity Shine

Stellar Jade x 110, Trailblaze EXP x 1100, Credit x 140000, Traveler's Guide x 12, Refined Aether x 8, Lost Crystal x 8, Snack Life x 1

πŸ“ Herta Space Station Master Control Zone

(Ruan Mei... a name that's both new... and familiar.)

Talk to Herta

As the Simulated Universe receives another update, the space station remains bustling with activity. This time, several prominent figures from the Genius Society have all arrived at the space station! You receive a message from Herta, who informs you that Ruan Mei has also arrived at the space station. It's time to go meet her...

Follow Ruan Mei

πŸ“ Herta Space Station Supply Zone

The space station has been bustling with activity lately. With the latest update to the Simulated Universe and the gathering of prominent figures from the Genius Society, everyone seems to have their own agenda. You can't help but feel that there might be some unexpected events on the horizon.
Ruan Mei's demeanor strikes you as peculiar, and she appears to have something to tell you...
We finally meet.
There's a bit of cake on the corner of your mouth...
Take a bite.
No, I'm good.
Only that it's about biology.
Something about nurturing lifeforms...

Speak with Ruan Mei privately

Ruan Mei
Ruan Mei
As the masses depart, there's an enveloping calm here... just like the "No Man's Land" I ventured to in the past.
Did you do research there?
Ruan Mei
Ruan Mei
Yes. My mother and I once spent 11 long polar nights there.

Get information from the researchers

πŸ“ Herta Space Station Master Control Zone

Ruan Mei, the master nurturer of life, asks you to recover the "little lifeforms" that are running amok on the space station. She even goes so far as to feed you an "Anti-Truth Serum" to ensure you don't reveal this matter.
What could she be thinking?

πŸ“ Herta Space Station Storage Zone

Ruan Mei's little lifeform was ruthlessly flushed down the john. It will be safely transported to storage zone.

Insight Researcher
Insight Researcher
I heard Madam Ruan Mei is very picky when it comes to snacks. {NICKNAME}, do you know what her favorites are?
Ruan Mei likes plum blossom cakes that are freshly salted.
I don't know.
I don't know about her, but I loooove fermented herring.
(...So I really can't say anything about her.)
Insight Researcher
Insight Researcher
Did I ask about your favorites? Also, that's disgusting β€” what's wrong with you?
Insight Researcher
Insight Researcher
Fine. Ugh, what a headache...

Department of Ecology Researcher
Department of Ecology Researcher
Ruan Mei, member #81 of the Genius Society β€” a resounding name in science and the veritable epitome of lifeform cultivation. Researchers here have heard so much about her for so long!
Department of Ecology Researcher
Department of Ecology Researcher
But once she arrived on the space station, she just took over everything. And what did Madam Herta do? Absolutely nothing...
Herta is spoiling Ruan Mei.
Took over everything?
Never fear, the Galactic Baseballer is here!
(...I can't even say that?)
Department of Ecology Researcher
Department of Ecology Researcher
Yes, she's treating this place like her backyard! She's leaving her research notes all over the floor!
Department of Ecology Researcher
Department of Ecology Researcher
The end result? Everyone's obsessed with getting their hands on them...

Insight Researcher
Insight Researcher
Ruan Mei likes to listen to the space station radio during her research.
Insight Researcher
Insight Researcher
Some of us younger researchers are her superfans β€” we're always scanning different frequencies to find out what her tastes are! Do you know her favorite tunes, by any chance?
Ruan Mei likes to listen to new-style opera.
Ruan Mei likes to listen to new-style storytelling.
No idea. I just listen to comedy skits.
(...So I really can't say anything about her.)
Insight Researcher
Insight Researcher
As expected. You look like you belong in a comedy skit yourself.

Perform a mysterious summoning ritual

Deliver item

Talk with Ruan Mei's Creation

Ruan Mei's "life creations" are actually pastries with a life of their own! They have even developed their own "emotions," "thoughts," and "will"...
Now you have to find a way to recover them.

Accommodate Ruan Mei's Creation

The space station has a secret zone? This might just be something not even most the researchers know about. You investigate alone, and find the space filled with many incredible objects...

Head underground

πŸ“ Herta Space Station Herta's Office

Speak with Ruan Mei

Ruan Mei's "life creations" are actually pastries with a life of their own! They have even developed their own "emotions," "thoughts," and "will"...
You've done well, but it seems Ruan Mei has new requests...

Take the elevator and go to the secret zone

πŸ“ Herta Space Station Storage Zone

The space station has a secret zone? This might just be something not even most the researchers know about. Now you need to investigate alone...
(What would a sealed zone... look like?)

πŸ“ Herta Space Station Seclusion Zone


Find the mysterious Little Robot

The space station has a secret zone? This might just be something not even most the researchers know about. You investigate alone, and find the space filled with many incredible objects...
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
(What's up with this unit? It looks different from the one in the master control zone...)
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
*buzz* Madam Herta, open zone. *buzz* To welcome, alien species, galactic visitors.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
High-risk zone, *buzz*. Service staff, inorganic lifeforms, *buzz*.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Permissions status: Madam Ruan Mei, permissions granted. Madam Herta: Fine. As long as it keeps her happy. *buzz*.
Why are you here?
What is this zone for?
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
*buzz* I am a twin of the Rice-Frying Robot. I am the Leftover Rice-Frying Robot. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Maintain zone operation. Job of inorganic lifeforms. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Class one clearance zone. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Many esteemed guests. *buzz*. May include dangerous persons. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Storage for Madam Herta's dangerous Curios. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Madam Ruan Mei's cultivated lifeforms. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Welcome, *buzz* {NICKNAME}. How can I help?
Classification of the robots' jobs.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fry leftover rice. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fry leftover rice. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Basement One. Transit Hub. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Basement Two. Shuttle. Incubator. Dangerous Curio storage. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Corridor, danger, *buzz*.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Welcome, {NICKNAME}. What do you need? *buzz*.
Where would I find the incubator?
I want to see visitor logs.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Conclusion: You cannot enter. *buzz* Probability: 50%. Other paths are open.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Assessment: Seeking directions. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Suggestion: Proceed to basement. Locate records of cultivation path. *buzz*
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Madam Ruan Mei *buzz*.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Alien species, *buzz*.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
That is all.

Head underground

Continue searching for clues

(...Huh? What's that sound out there?)

Accommodate Ruan Mei's Creation

Ruan Mei's Creation
Ruan Mei's Creation
(It seems to sense your fear and starts humming a song for you...)
Ruan Mei's Creation
Ruan Mei's Creation
(In a circle, Ruan Mei's creations join hands with each other.)
Ruan Mei's Creation
Ruan Mei's Creation
(Ruan Mei intertwines joy and sorrow.)

Investigate the secret chamber

Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Hidden room, *buzz*. Only Madam Ruan Mei has permissions. Please submit your ID, *buzz*.
Show Ruan Mei's card.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Permission granted, *buzz*.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Select from the below services: 1. Check historical incubation records. 2. Inorganic lifeform companionship chat service.
Inorganic lifeform companionship chat service.
Check historical incubation records.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
This function has been damaged, *buzz*.
(Is this...?)
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Permission granted, *buzz*.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Select from the below services: 1. Check visitor records. 2. Open incubator entrance.
Check visitor records.
Open incubator entrance.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Madam Ruan Mei *buzz*.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Alien species, *buzz*.
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Man with plaster head, *buzz*.
(...Seems like there's something new?)
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Fried Cold Rice Robot
Permission granted, *buzz*.
(That sound's coming from above!)

Return upstairs and continue your investigation


Witness the "big trouble"

A man masked by a strange plaster sculpture appears in front of you and pointed out Ruan Mei's lies. Her ambitions are far greater than they appear to be! ...
The thing she's cultivating... what is it, exactly?


(Is it over...? I need to get some answers out of Ruan Mei!)

Find Ruan Mei

πŸ“ Herta Space Station Supply Zone

After this perplexing experience, you feel like you understand Ruan Mei less and less. She treats you with closeness but feeds you the "Anti-Truth Serum," concealing her true research purpose all along. She seems reserved, yet her ambitions are immeasurable... What kind of person is she really?
It died on its own.
You didn't have to lie to me.
It almost ate me.
Are you going to keep researching?
What about life outside of research?

This website is made for educational and research purpose