Lullaby of the North Wind

Investigate the suspicious room

Entering Sampo's dream bubble, you realize that you have returned to that doctor's clinic in Belobog's Underworld, but this place is even more desolate than you remembered and far more suspicious.
Before indulging your suspicions, you should do as Sampo suggested and adjust to the feeling of a dream within a dream.
(Is this... another note?)
Sampo's Advice?
What do you mean by this?
I think I've had this dream before too...
This all feels so familiar...
(I have no idea. I didn't come here when I had this dream.)
(Oh, really? Well you know what they say β€” great minds dream alike!)
(That's the thing about dreams β€” anything can feel familiar.)
(Stop nitpicking the details. If you ask me, I'd say you should take a look outside. But don't get frightened by what you see!)

Speak with Shatana

You have collected sufficient Proofs of Trust β€” It is time to prove your strength to Shatana.
Item[Proof of Trust]#5
!Item[Proof of Trust]#5
Impressive... It's hard to believe you've collected all the Proofs of Trust. Your determination is truly admirable...
Excellent. Looks like you've held up your side of the deal...
...I've waited so long for this day. Here, I'll escort you to your throne, the Pillars of Creation, where you'll witness the future of my people...
I wish you success.

Leave the suspicious room

Entering Sampo's dream bubble, you realize that you have returned to that doctor's clinic in Belobog's Underworld, but this place is even more desolate than you remembered and far more suspicious.
You discover a note that is even more suspicious than the room itself β€” Just what does it mean? It seems that you will have to leave the clinic before you can get any answers.

Speak with the Audience Cans

As you leave the clinic, what lies before your eyes is a giant kingdom formed of trashcans. A trashcan by the name of Shatana finds you and asks for your help in freeing the trashcans from their worries and leading them to liberation β€” The prerequisite is that you acquire three Proofs of Trust.
You have defeated Garboski, and the Audience Cans all around you are showering you with warm cheers. As their hero, it is only right that you address them.
Audience Can
Audience Can
You dealt with the sealed demon, Garboski? He is so powerful and so terrifying, but you defeated him... How magnificent of you!
Audience Can
Audience Can
You've won me over, along with many others. This item carries our high regard for you.

This is a normal-looking trashcan. How magical! A kingdom of trashcans actually has an ordinary trashcan... This is a rare opportunity. Do you wish to do something to it?
Insert trash.
Remove some trash.
Give it a kick.
Of course. That's the job of a trashcan. You chuck whatever random things you have on hand into its pitch-black and bottomless void. A series of loud sounds thundered back.
Of course. That's the value of a trashcan. When you used your finger to touch its sides, a burst of loud sounds followed.
...Evidently, this is not civilized behavior. In regular circumstances, you'd probably have to give up a Praise of High Morals... However, this is the Dreamscape, so who cares? You feel your foot impact the can with a loud bam...
When you open your eyes again, the trashcan is no longer just a trashcan. It's now a trashcan... with arms and legs.
Trashcan Prince
Trashcan Prince
Thank you, beautiful stranger. I am the Trashcan Prince, and my father was assassinated by Tatalov, and I was cursed into becoming a trashcan. You saved me from internment.
Trashcan Prince
Trashcan Prince
I shall offer everything I have β€” my body, my soul, my life, even my trash bags β€” just to repay your kindness.
You talk like a Knight of Beauty...
Then stand with me against Tatalov.
Trashcan Prince
Trashcan Prince
There are many cans who compliment my beauty, but I am not familiar with the name of which you just spoke. The only knightly order in this kingdom is the "Knights of Loose Change," each of whom is a noble and respectable can of the highest order.
Trashcan Prince
Trashcan Prince
I will. I will stand with you and ignite the rising smoke of rebellion until the kingdom is saved from absolute peril.
Trashcan Prince
Trashcan Prince
You have earned my confidence. I wish for you to accept this item and my heart as a token of my sincere gratitude. I will fight for you, O glorious soul.

Courageous Can
Courageous Can
We've had enough of Tatalov's oppression! To retrieve our belongings from his treasure trove, the resources vital to our livelihoods seized by Tatalov's greed and tyranny, we must open this door.
Push the door.
Kick the door.
Open sesame!
Strange, you haven't done anything, but the door opens slowly β€” it turns out that this is an automatic sensor door. It just can't sense trashcans.
Courageous Can
Courageous Can
The door is open... The legends are true! You are the savior destined to defeat Tatalov! The God of Trash sent you to return the tyrant's treasures to us!
Courageous Can
Courageous Can
Ah, I've never felt so exhilarated before! When you raise the banner of rebellion against Tatalov, I and the other oppressed cans shall stand by your side!
You watch the trashcans excitedly crowd into the "treasure trove," tearing open bag after bag of garbage and pouring the contents into their torso...

This particular trashcan stands quietly. Its lid has chipped and faded paint. It is meticulously counting the roadside trash, occasionally sighing or scratching its head, as if struggling to memorize an astronomical number.
...Are you here to mock me too? Or are you seeking wise answers?
Why are you counting trash?
I need "Proof of Trust."
It's a long story. A long, long time ago, I angered Tatalov. I told him that even the most stable of nations has their day of decay, and even all the trash in the stars can eventually be counted. It is unclear which part of the sentence infuriated him...
...As punishment, he assigned me this role, demanding that I count all the trash in the city. Before then, I am to never issue forth my opinions.
Oh... it's rare for a can to be so straightforward. I do possess the "Proof of Trust," but now it's lost in the mountain of trash.
If you want it, work with me. I have counted the majority of the trash in this city, leaving only these three newly arrived cans.

Speak with Trashiemedes and report your results

As you leave the clinic, what lies before your eyes is a giant kingdom formed of trashcans. A trashcan by the name of Shatana finds you and asks for your help in freeing the trashcans from their worries and leading them to liberation β€” The prerequisite is that you acquire three Proofs of Trust.
You have helped Trashiemedes resolve a problem that has plagued him for a long time. Report your results to him.
Not bad, young can. You've proven yourself by your wisdom and patience... You deserve this Proof of Trust. I'll gift it to you.

(I've finally collected three Proofs of Trust... Let's go back and deliver them.)

After a loud boom, Propagation's crisis has ended. The world is once again peaceful. And that trashcan who has endured undeserved ordeals has returned to his slumber. Thank you, Nameless!

(I'm confused...)

Off you go, dream diver... Your mission is calling for you.

Audience Can
Audience Can
You've won me over, along with many others. This item carries our high regard for you.

Trashcan Prince
Trashcan Prince
You have earned my confidence. I will fight for you, O glorious soul.

Serious Can
Serious Can
You have proven yourself with your actions. We three cans shall become your aides, and win freedom once more for trashcans.

Courageous Can
Courageous Can
When you raise the banners of rebellion against Tatalov, I, and all other oppressed cans will be at your side.

I'm now old and frail, no longer able to fight by your side. Hopefully, my mind can still be of use to you.

This website is made for educational and research purpose