You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

Solid Water x 10, Basic Ingredients x 10, Comfort Food x 10, Wrathful Gauntlets x 1, Stellar Jade x 80, Trailblaze EXP x 600, Adventure Log x 6, Condensed Aether x 3, Trick Snack x 10, Simple First-Aid Device x 10

Find a way to leave the Fragmentum and shake off the pursuers

πŸ“ Jarilo-VI Backwater Pass

You rush into the Fragmentum to avoid getting caught. How come things went downhill so quickly? March 7th has no clue β€” she's written as an innocent and sweet teenage girl after all.
Despite the initial shock, you quickly agree on the course of action: Find the way out of the Fragmentum first. Everything else can wait.
March 7th
March 7th
So what happened back there? Why did the supreme guardian send people to arrest us?
March 7th
March 7th
Imagine launching a surprise attack when your enemy is fast asleep. The cheek!
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
That woman had a troubling aura... our instincts were correct.

March 7th
March 7th
Doesn't seem like there's any way to open this gate... Ooh, check this mechanism out. Look familiar?
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
Yes, we saw one in Serval's workshop.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng
We need to solve it before we run out of time. The Guards are right on our heels.

You rush into the Fragmentum to avoid getting caught. How come things went downhill so quickly? March 7th has no clue β€” she's written as an innocent and sweet teenage girl after all.
Despite the initial shock, you quickly agree on the course of action: Find the way out of the Fragmentum first. Everything else can wait.
You successfully open the metal door. All that's left is to carefully find a way out while avoiding being caught by the Silvermane Guards.

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