The Voyage Continues #3
Trailblaze EXP x 200, Credit x 10000, Travel Encounters x 4
Return to the Parlor Car
📍 Astral Express Passenger Cabin
You boarded the amazing Astral Express. From now on, this will be your home.
A new adventure is about to start. Prepare to warp jump to a new world!
Ahem, hi, hello~ Attention all passengers. Attention all passengers.
The Express is about to conduct a warp jump. All passengers, please gather at the main hall.
I repeat. The Express is about to conduct a warp jump. All passengers, please gather at the main hall.
📍 Astral Express Parlor Car
March 7th
There you are!
March 7th
Wait, this is your first trip! So that should be double the excitement, right?
I'm ready, I'm ready to go!
But... I'm still a little worried about what lies ahead.
March 7th
That's the spirit!
March 7th
Hehe, I was excited the first time I experienced a warp jump, too. But I'm used to it now.
March 7th
Don't worry, you'll get used to it too, and before you know it you'll be a mature and dependable passenger just like me.
March 7th
Ah! You're just like Mr. Yang, always worrying about things that haven't even happened yet.
March 7th
Young people should be energetic! Here, let's do some relaxation exercises.
March 7th
The first step is to grab a hold of the root cause of your anxiety.
You can't just grab something like that!
OK, I got it.
March 7th
Well, it is a little abstract, but basically you just need to pinpoint what's bothering you.
March 7th
You really got it, huh!
March 7th
The second step is to focus all your anxiety on that point.
Is this some sort of mumbo jumbo about transferring consciousness?
Okay, I'm ready for step three.
March 7th
This is science! Don't get distracted! *deep breath* Focus.
March 7th
Seems like you're a natural. It's not easy to reach this level of enlightenment.
March 7th
Now for step three: Yank out that anxiety and cast it away with all your might!
Come on, that's just using psychological suggestion!
Okay, well I've cast out all the anxiety now.
March 7th
That doesn't mean it won't work! The best method for relieving anxiety is the one that works, right?
March 7th
Really? I've never been able to do it successfully myself!
March 7th
What does it feel like? Like all your worries have been swept away?
Listen to the conductor's instructions
You took long enough! But at least everyone's here now.
Where is Dan Heng?
He won't be here, so just leave him be.
Oh yeah, take these.
What's this?
Just a little gift from the conductor to the passenger. Think of it as an investment in your future growth.
Okay everyone, hurry up and find a place to sit down. Try not to be like March, always running around the Express like a headless chicken.
Pom-Pom's going to start the final preparations for the jump.
Wait for the jump
Are you ready to move on to the next planet?
What's the next stop for the Express?
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